I offer courses in Wild Pottery, Wild Basketry, and Bushcraft. ‘Wild’ because we forage our crafting materials from the land and hedgerows, and because courses are held in the woods (in Sussex UK), from April to October.

These courses have evolved out of a love of making things in the natural world using natural materials, alongside a deep interest in ancient crafts and technologies. Inspired and informed by traditional wisdom and knowledge in ways of interacting with the living world and natural materials, we harvest with respect and sensitivity.
An extraordinary couple of days – so enriching to learn exciting new skills in a completely new way.
FD, Sussex
It’s easy to take the objects and resources we use in our daily lives for granted, so it’s really valuable to experience the whole cycle of production: harvesting / gathering materials in a sustainable way, processing them and finally creating a useful and beautiful object. It’s an empowering opportunity to learn and develop practical, life-long skills.
‘Nature deficit disorder’ is widely recognised as a serious issue in many peoples’ lives, and the importance and benefits of working creatively with our hands is well-documented.
Such a holistically structured and enjoyable day of learning in the woods. Soul food.
Andrew G, Sussex
Connecting with the natural world is deeply nourishing and rejuvenating. Taking time out of daily life to be creative in the woods round a fire, with birdsong, wild plants, creatures, dappled sunlight and like-minded people, brings a sense of space and connection…to ourselves, each other, and to the web of life.
Nurturing relationship with the living world, with ancestral knowledge and keeping traditional skills alive, are core aspects of my teaching.